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Creating a New Use Case

There are two ways how to create new Use Case:

  1. in left side bar, click on "Add new Use Case"
  2. or, in Dashboard click on big plus tile

New Use Case is created in step by step Wizard, part of which is selection of Dataset, target and back-testing (experimenting).

Wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Dataset selection,
  2. Use Case name, description and business fields definition; target selection for the first Experiment of your Use Case,
  3. the first Experiment.

Fields that describe Use Case are to be filled in the 2nd step:

  • Name (its value is autogenerated by default, but you are free to adjust it to something more meaningful)
  • Description
  • Business objective
  • Business value
  • Business KPI

When you are finished, you will end up with Use Case and its first Experiment. You can add more Experiments later.