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class tangent_works.TimeSeries(data=pandas.DataFrame, timestamp_column=None, group_key_columns=None)

A class used to represent a time series dataset for Tangent.


data : pandas.DataFrame

Dataframe with timeseries data

timestamp_column: str, default None

String indicating the datetime column of the time series.

group_key_columns: list[str], default None

List of strings indicating the categorical columns that will acts as keys for grouped timeseries analysis.


timestamps : pd.Series

Series of timestamps in the dataset.

columns : pd.Index

List of column names in the dataset.

sampling_period : SamplingPeriod, optional

Sampling period of the dataset. If not provided, sampling period is detected automatically.



Validates correctness of the dataset (column names and types, timestamps and data).


Validates alignment of timestamps with respect to the sampling period.


Resamples the dataset according to the provided configuration.


Imputes missing values in the dataset according to the provided imputation configuration.

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