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About Tangent Works

Today, less than half of machine learning projects make it to production (Gartner). Within hours, even successful models can become obsolete due to data and model drift. This issue is exacerbated when predicting the future, as the most recent data is crucial for accurate forecasts. The need for constant data preprocessing, model training, selection, and management makes it nearly impossible for companies to scale predictive insights across departments and teams.

Current ML automation focuses on choosing the appropriate modelling technique for the task at hand, while the actual problems with time series modeling remain at the level of addressing changing dynamics, handling dynamic data availability and managing multi-situational forecasts.

Why Tangent Works?

At Tangent Works, we do things differently. We offer an out-of-the-box algorithm that transforms data pipelines into actionable insights within seconds to minutes. We achieve this by providing one single modeling strategy that is flexible enough to create automated features for different dynamic situations and data. This strategy is encapsulated in our product called Tangent.

Key benefits:

  • Simplification: Democratizes time series modeling for non-data scientists.

  • Efficiency: Provides a real-time, scalable solution for feature and model management.

  • Data Science ROI: Automates the bulk of your forecasts, allowing data scientists to focus on high-value business problems.

  • Use Case Enabler: Enables agile, real-time use case which were previously unimaginable.

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